Histories Uncharted
Histories Uncharted is not your average history podcast, we want to introduce really cool things from history in a fun and entertaining way. Our goal is to tell fascinating stories from the past, bring to life the characters that shaped the world, and show you why we feel history should be shared with everyone.
We aim to expand your basic historical knowledge by introducing and discussing topics that we find interesting and focus on the storytelling and entertaining facts that span from the ancient world to today. Please come and explore the many layers of Histories Uncharted with us.
Histories Uncharted
Torture Through the Ages
Join the Histories Uncharted team as they discuss the various forms of torture that have been used through the ages. Devices such as the Boot and the Crocodile Shears are examined as well as a look into the poor unfortunate souls that had the misfortune to be on the receiving end of some of history's most excruciating forms of torture. This episode is number 4 in our spooky Halloween series so make sure you listen to this with the lights on and remember this episode is not for the faint of heart! Also, be sure to check out our YouTube channel @HistoriesUnchartedPodcast to see images of the devices discussed in this episode.